Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

You Can Do Many Thing On Internet

Do you know Internet ? Okay Internet is a link connect to other link computer in the world. It's my opinion, just simple. Many thing we can do on Internet like make and send a letter to the other friend in the world by E-Mail (Electronic Letter), chat and streaming your video, share and post about something on blog.

You can sell and buy something on
Internet by selling website and etc. Oh yes, you can find the lesson, article and etc for your study.

For example, a student of STIMIK University and his major is Information System (IS). His tasks are analysis a system of organization and make application program. He gets many the article to explain about it. It's very easy !!! You can visit to (Search Engine). And type about something that you want to find.

Like about computer science, please type word of
computer science. Okay, I think enough from Me to explain about Internet. Hmm...What about you friend ? Please give me your comment to this blog. Thank you.

By Reinald

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